Erin's Schedule 2017

where I'm teaching, speaking, appearing

July 22nd & 23rd

Learn to Guide
your Clients thru an Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Gut Healing Program

A Seminar for Practitioners

Boulder, Colorado

Additional Dates & Locations


Date: Sat, Sept 30th & Sun, Oct 1st, 2017
Time: 10am–5pm Sat, 10am–4pm Sun
Cost: $395 Professional, $195 Student
• includes Client Guidebook (120 pgs)
Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism
2900 Valmont, Suite F-1
Boulder, CO 80301
Zarlengo Plaza: south-side, lower-level of building, enter from 29th St.


Date: Saturday, Oct 14th & Sunday, Oct 15th, 2017
Time: 10am – 5pm Saturday, 10am – 4pm Sunday
Cost: $395 Professionals, $195 Students • includes a Client Guidebook (80 pgs)
Bauman College
1007 University Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: 707-795-1284
Toll-free: 800-987-7530

Date: Saturday July 22nd & Sunday, July 23rd, 2017
Time: 10am – 5pm Saturday, 10am – 4pm Sunday
Cost: $395 Professionals, $195 Students • includes a Client Guidebook (80 pgs)
Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism
2900 Valmont, Suite F-1
Boulder, CO 80301
Zarlengo Plaza: south-side, lower-level of building, enter from 29th St.

Register Online:

“All disease begins in the gut.” Hippocrates was thought to have said this about 410 BC, so we’ve known for a very long time that digestive health is critical to the health of our entire being. As clinicians, healing digestion is a critical first step in resolving every clients’ symptoms and their response provides us with important information. Because it’s thought that 80% of Americans today have intestinal permeability or “leaky gut,” we know this is a common area of dysfunction.

Six years ago, in my practice as a nutrition therapist, I created a powerful combination of an anti-inflammatory diet, an elimination-challenge diet and a 4Rs gut-healing protocol that provides powerful benefits to both you, the practitioner, and your clients in a very short 30 days. I’ve now used this program with over 500 clients.

In this seminar, you can share in my experience and see these results, but more importantly, I help you master this tool. Learn:

How to guide your clients through the 30 days, step-by-step
How to avoid many issues with a proven program 
Effective gut-healing herbs & supplements (incl brands)
How to troubleshoot a variety of symptom scenarios
How to support clients with the supplied recipes & other recommendations
Learn how to integrate lab results
Discover how to offer this program to your clients immediately after this seminar

This program eliminates or reduces inflammation, heals the gut using Functional Medicine’s 4Rs protocol (now 6Rs!), guides clients through a 21-day elimination/challenge diet to determine food sensitivities, jumpstarts weight loss if necessary, and teaches clients how to eat to balance blood sugar every day. All in 30 days! Supplements are recommended to eliminate bacterial, yeast and parasitic infections, heal the gut, and support healthy populations of beneficial bacteria.

Some of the consistent results my clients have achieved:

    •    Heal leaky gut and eliminate a variety of digestive issues
    •    Eliminate gut infections
    •    Improve energy levels and relieve brain fog
    •    Reduce or eliminate headaches, sinus issues, skin issues
    •    Reduce or eliminate chronic pain that hasn’t responded to other treatments for years
    •    Lowered auto-antibody levels in those with auto-immune disorders
    •    Improved menstrual cycle symptoms
    •    Weight loss: up to 8 pounds for women and 12 pounds for men who need to lose
    •    Improved diet and dietary compliance where necessary (gluten, dairy, etc)
    •    Experience symptom relief, then see symptoms return with reactive foods challenge
    •    When symptoms persist post-program, practitioners receive diagnostic information

Some of you attended Paul Bergner’s seminar last November at CSCH where he shared much about the importance of gut healing and how he uses his program with his clients. This seminar picks up where he left off by teaching you step-by-step how to implement a successful program. You will learn how to introduce this to clients regardless of their current diet, what herbs and supplements to recommend and why, the recommended diet to use and why, how recipes and a detailed guidebook increase compliance, and how to provide support every step of the way.

Learn how to use stool testing and food sensitivity testing with this program, when to recommend the GAPS diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet and why this program removes the need for one-size-fits-all auto-immune diets. Learn why this program is so important for auto-immune clients.

Each practitioner will receive a client guidebook that outlines the program, includes FAQ, a 21-day meal plan, shopping tips, and over 40 pages of recipes for your clients to use in the future. The book will be available for order online by your clients, but is not a substitute for practitioner support.

You will leave this seminar with everything you need to guide your clients through this valuable program with a clear understanding of how to use it in your practice immediately.

If you’re interested in work/trade, payment plans or if you have additional questions, contact Erin Livers at

Additional Dates & Locations


Date: Saturday, Sept 30th & Sunday, Oct 1st, 2017
Time: 10am – 5pm Saturday, 10am – 4pm Sunday
Cost: $395 Professionals, $195 Students • includes a Client Guidebook (80 pgs)
Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism
2900 Valmont, Suite F-1
Boulder, CO 80301
Zarlengo Plaza: south-side, lower-level of building, enter from 29th St.


Date: Saturday, Oct 14th & Sunday, Oct 15th, 2017
Time: 10am – 5pm Saturday, 10am – 4pm Sunday
Cost: $395 Professionals, $195 Students • includes a Client Guidebook (80 pgs)
Bauman College
1007 University Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: 707-795-1284
Toll-free: 800-987-7530

Learn to Guide
your Clients thru an Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Gut Healing Program

A Seminar for Practitioners

Additional Dates & Locations


Date: Saturday, Sept 30th & Sunday, Oct 1st, 2017
Time: 10am – 5pm Saturday, 10am – 4pm Sunday
Cost: $395 Professionals, $195 Students • includes a Client Guidebook (80 pgs)
Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism
2900 Valmont, Suite F-1
Boulder, CO 80301
Zarlengo Plaza: south-side, lower-level of building, enter from 29th St.

Register Online:


Date: Saturday, Oct 14th & Sunday, Oct 15th, 2017
Time: 10am – 5pm Saturday, 10am – 4pm Sunday
Cost: $395 Professionals, $195 Students • includes a Client Guidebook (80 pgs)
Bauman College

1007 University Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: 707-795-1284
Toll-free: 800-987-7530

Register Online: web address to come

In another location? Ask me how you can bring this seminar to your location in 2018.

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With Amazon’s self publishing services you can reach millions of readers worldwide and keep control of your work. It’s fast and easy to independently publish your print book with CreateSpace, your digital book with Kindle Direct Publishing and create an audiobook with ACX.

Past Events

May 4th-7th

NANP’s 12th Annual Conference & Expo

Portland, Oregon

The NANP Conference in Portland was a blast. Here’s our crew from Bauman College!